Back Pain is no Party!

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Founded on Back Pain.

The Beginning

At 21, Christa's world was turned upside down by a car accident that left her with chronic back pain. Despite trying every treatment available, relief was always temporary. Sitting at a desk all day made things even worse. But Christa, a lover of parties and dancing, famous for her high kick that even landed her on Ellen, refused to let pain define her.

The beam

The Discovery

During a yoga class, Christa discovered a simple foam tool that provided unprecedented relief for her back. Inspired by this, Christa and her best friend Becky created The Beam—Your Back's Best Friend® a unique product designed to alleviate back tension and support your spine.

NEW back care tools

The Collection

The Beam was just the beginning. Nimbleback now offers a range of products to help manage back tension and improve overall spine health. From daily stretching routines to relaxation and wellness tools, Christa integrates these tools into her life to stay active and pain-free. She believes that staying active and dancing through life are essential for maintaining health and vitality.

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Summer Self-Care

Natural Ways to Alleviate Neck Tension this summer!

Check out our latest blog post to get started today!