Top 3 Ways to Stay Relaxed during your Workday

Top 3 Ways to Stay Relaxed during your Workday

We all start our workday with commuting, either by car, train or rolling out of bed and firing up the laptop.  Whether your workday involves sitting, standing, lifting or being glued to a computer.   You most likely have days with tension in your back, I know I do and 80% of Canadian's will at some point. 

What do you do to prevent the tension?  

Try these 3 things throughout your day.  

Breathe.   This one is easy.

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Walk to a coworkers desk instead of emailing, use a sit/stand desk, request a walking meeting instead of sitting in a boardroom.

movement nimbleback the beam breath breath yoga beach

Take a Break.  

Go for a walk, take a stretch break, go to the gym or meet a friend for coffee or lunch.  

It is good to take mini-breaks throughout your day, you may be more productive and avoid tension in your back. 
I feel the tension in my lower back if I sit for too long or if I don't stretch, so I try to keep moving and often use The Beam with my breath to release my tension so I can focus and feel good. 

What do you do? 


The Beam Nimbleback TSC Amazon Back Pain Stretching Lower Back Pain Yoga Wellness Workplace Health


The Beam is a foam beam used to release tension in your back, neck and shoulders.  Relax the mind & body with yoga style stretching and your breath in just 10 minutes a day.   Use The Beam Gentle if you are new to stretching and try The Beam Firm if you enjoy a deep tissue massage.  Visit Nimbleback to learn more. 



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